After being presented to the 13 Moons and 7 Suns, Gaianauta observes deeply and begins to feel that her receptivity and perception oscillate as she comprehens the intertwined energies with in herself.
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Simultaneously the MOONS and SUNS started entering in movement while they interposed one another and with each other in perfect harmonious and fluid dance where each Moon began to enter itself within the other to become ONE MOON in the omnipotence and omnipresence of the 13 moons and Goddesses. Meanwhile the 7 Suns where guarding them in perfect circles as their UNION happened the Suns started spiraling up and down at the pace of Gaianautas heart creating a LUNAR potentiated SOLAR SNAKES resembling DNA caressing and flirting with the 13 grandmothers in absolute Unification. The 7 SUNS started dancing, creating an INFINITE weaving with each other becoming ONE movement, containing the Power of the 7 Suns together. Both Solar and Lunar Masters and Givers of Life and Movement Activate the cells of LIFE in mutual communion thus forming the ECLIPSE VIBRATING with the door containing 11:11 2 2 Unity / Duality contained in a single treasure trunk.
Stunned Gaianauta receives from a golden hummingbird beak the following message:
" Never Let Your Light will be obstructed to generate obscurity but to POTENTIATE Itself in Balance and All-in-gment ! ! ! ! ! " After it flew in circles around Gaianauta the same way as the 7 suns did the MULTIPLE ECPLIPSE with 13 unified moons. 11: 11: 22: 13: 7: 2 were formed in the stars and converted themselves in a BIG SHOOTING STAR formed by Solar FIRE and Lunar NECTAR.