<<<<>> Silence<<<<<<


THE GOLDEN HUMMINGBIRD slowly becomes magical star dust that explodes like a big bang in SPIRAL as it reaches the HEART of the hummingbird . Golden feathers start flapping the magical dust over GAIANAUTA as powerful divine light bathes her in DIVINE pollen. She is covered in the Golden Feathered Mantle. In SILENCE she receives this blessing that rises inside her as she recognizes herself as SUPREME BEING , as MIRROR and TEACHER , as the giver of life , like the flower that since it's SEED AND COCOON FLOWERS from first contact with the earth , rain and sun. In the ongoing encounter with ALLIES recognized in each of the beings who Gaianauta feels even without seeing . Rabbit, deer , horse, hummingbird , eagle , bear, serpent , whale, dragon fly in multiple Thethahedron , sheath , cactus , flower , seed and root.